
Still alive.

2025-02-15 / Mark Sowden

← 2025-01-192025-03-02 →

I've been a little quiet of late. I'm still alive, but just trying to push through to meet my self-imposed deadline.

Until then, here are some assorted bits since the last post.

Getting transforms working for child nodes.

Lights have a distance limit, hence why they're vanishing in the video here. I'm planning on making these fade a little better at some stage.

Basic airship entity and model moving around.

Still lots of work to go here. Model is obviously not finished.

Some initial work on rope collisions.

Also a lot of work to go here. In hindsight, I'm not even entirely sure if I'm going to need ropes to collide with anything. At least it's a starting point if that changes though.

Right now I'm working on the movement component and a simple player entity, to make it possible to start testing collisions with something a little more interesting than ropes.

← 2025-01-192025-03-02 →