
QM1 Milestone 2.

2025-03-02 / Mark Sowden

← 2025-02-15

So I've hit the deadline for the second milestone of my project (technically it's tomorrow, but I'm not going to exactly get much done between now and then).

Anyway here's a summary of the progress made, and what I'm working on next.


The last one is only partially completed as it ended up being less of a priority than anticipated, and will instead roll over to the next milestone.


Here's everything that was delivered since the last milestone.

Mind these are just the highlights.

I also spent quite a bit of time removing things recently, because they were out of scope and taking up more time than they were worth. For instance I had a UI framework that allowed you to create various panels, attach widgets to those panels, and move them around with the mouse, with a stylesheet system.

The only things I've retained of that is the font API and the "canvas" API which essentially is just a simplified off-screen rendering layer on top of the render target API the engine provides.

I'm trying to be a little bit more wary about what I spend my time on and what benefits it'll actually have to the project. Which, with a brain like mine that wants to do something new every five minutes, can be a struggle.

A couple of minor bits relating to the game are below, but still not much I want to show or talk about yet.

Rough attempt at a texture-pass for the airship.

Rough attempt at a texture-pass for the airship.

Simplified goggles for the goblin.

Simplified goggles for the goblin.

Milestone 3

Milestone 3 is a bit more ambitious, and is set for May 5th. It's more focused on the game itself.

I've already started on some of these, so hopefully you'll see (or at least read) more about that over the course of the month.

← 2025-02-15