
More progress on FoxEd

2020-12-29 / Mark Sowden

← 2020-12-222021-01-05 →

So as you know, there was quite a bit of back and forth with regards to the icons provided for the different modes. In the end, I had ended up with the following.


But I still wasn't especially happy with this, so after getting some additional feedback, I've now ended up with this.


The part that you're modifying in each mode is now marked in red, to give it a bit more pop, and the brush for the first mode now has an outline to highlight it's shape a little better against the background. 

The last three icons are sufficiently more consistent and I'm very happy with them now, but I'm still not super happy with the brush mode icon - but given the brush mode might not even remain in it's current form anyway it probably doesn't matter so much.

Instead of the brush mode I'm currently thinking that allowing the user to spawn some basic primitive will be better and then allowing them to edit from there. This instead means providing a seperate set of buttons showing a block, pyramid and probably a sphere (or custom import?)

Besides that, I've now hooked up the ability to load up levels through the new interface so there's no more awkward workarounds to get a level into the editor. Fox Toolkit's file dialog is actually pretty decent, even supporting bookmarks, different views and more.

The WLD file you see in the above shot was generated from a tool I wrote a few weeks ago that was intended to convert Quake's .map format to Yin's .wld format - most of it was finished but given how geometry is intended to work in Yin it didn't make sense to finish it.

The editor for now only supports Quake's .map format, but this will be thrown out pretty soon. Creating a new map also works as well - saving is still something I need to look at.

When in vertex mode, vertices are now highlighted as well as one would expect.


As you can see, the title now outlines what map is currently open, I've adjusted the default colours in the 2D views and you can now tweak the camera forward and turn speeds via the two new input fields in the viewport toolbars (though I will possibly move this setting somewhere else).

Clicking in the 2D view was broken for a long while but this has now been fixed, so creating geometry is possible again! Additionally moving the view in the 2D viewport is now functioning as expected as well.

Next my plan is to overhaul the 2D view code a bit so we can incorporate the different view modes better, investigate why selection does not work in the 3D views and add support for WASD movement in the viewports as well. 

Saving and loading Yin's WLD format is going to require hooking the editor up with Yin's Core component which provides this functionality - I may use this as an opportunity to update the editor project to utilise CMake instead.

Progress is going to be a little slower for the time being while I focus on another project.

← 2020-12-222021-01-05 →